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The new Liquiphant FTL51 - The pioneer

Once the first vibronic point level detector, the Liquiphant is now ready for Industry 4.0

Дата публикации: 30.09.2019

Digital change

Whether as overfill protection or dry run protection, the Liquiphant today performs many tasks in the automation of processes. But even the most simple measuring principles have to adapt to digital change. It was time to equip the sensor for the tasks of tomorrow. Those who prepare their company for the digital age today will optimize their field level as well as their information technology. This requires sensors that provide relevant data in order to initiate process optimization.

Process sensors 4.0

In the technology roadmap to „Process sensors 4.0“ NAMUR demands that a second, mobile way to communicate with the sensor must be opened and that the sensor provides information for preventive maintenance and process optimization. Furthermore product information such as manuals or certificates must be available on site at all times. Operators can now communicate with the Liquiphant and the SmartBlue App from Endress+Hauser. The app provides access to all product and diagnostic data.

The new generation

Especially in hard-to-reach areas, where scaffolding has to be provided for maintenance, this speeds up the inspection of systems considerably. The new Liquiphant displays the status of the level switch via LED or via the diagnostic function of Heartbeat Technology in the SmartBlue App. In addition verification via Heartbeat Technology enables complete documentation. The newly implemented SIL Wizard also guides the user through the recurring test in an uncomplicated manner.

Simplicity and Safety

All the digital innovations of the new generation of devices serve only the purpose of simplifying human work. The The Liquiphant is used in storage tanks and pipelines for level measurement of any liquids. The all-rounder also works where other measuring principles reach their limits due to conductivity, flows or air bubbles. The Liquiphant has already been developed according to IEC 61508 and the "Safety by Design" principle and is therefore designed for use in SIL2 and SIL3 applications.

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