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  • История

Endress+Hauser Italia S.p.A.

How can we help you?

Endress+Hauser Italia currently employs 244 members. The company has a business network covering the whole country and a technical support service that is provided by a comprehensive service and product management framework – both of which work in close collaboration with the Sales division. Products are sold via the company's sales network, which is divided between its headquarters in Milan, Venice, Reggio Emilia, Turin and Rome, and agencies that are responsible for the south of Italy.

Endress+Hauser Italia S.p.A. headquarters ©Endress+Hauser
  • Генеральный директор

    Davide Zanotto

  • Год основания

    Endress+Hauser Italia was founded on March 20, 1974 and is therefore over 40 years old.

  • Штат

    244 employees at your service: 98 in Sales, 86 in Service, 17 in Marketing, 18 in Projects and Solutions and 20 in Administration, IT, HR and Logistics

  • Поддерживаемые регионы

    The whole of Italy

Regional offices and agencies

  • Продажи


  • Endress+Hauser Italia S.p.A.

    Endress+Hauser Italia S.p.A.

    C.F. e P.IVA 01942780154

    Via Fratelli Di Dio, 7

    20063 Cernusco sul Naviglio MI
