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Endress+Hauser develops hygiene and wastewater test system

Collaboration with the School of Life Sciences

Дата публикации: 19.08.2019

In the area of hygiene, the research and development focus is on flowmeters and other process technology components that are subject to stringent cleanability requirements. Here, Endress+Hauser collaborated with the FHNW School of Life Sciences to design a test system that can be used to carry out all common cleaning processes and develop new cleaning processes.

Endress+Hauser provided a highly complex automation solution for the wastewater test platform. The primary challenge was the implementation of a modular design. Researchers at the FHNW School of Life Sciences were able to join the individual process steps together. This makes the project different from community and industrial systems that feature clearly defined, individual processes and process steps. The project has a clear focus on safety, so students are able to work on the system.

The Process Technology Center

The FHNW Process Technology Center (PTC) was opened in June 2019 as part of a new construction project on the Muttenz campus. This new platform for the development of chemical, biotechnological and environmental engineering processes strengthens the university’s application-oriented research and development activities.

Strong focus on training and education

Because Endress+Hauser places high value on the training and education of young people, the company is involved in various research and development projects with local training and education facilities around the world, including close partnerships with 15 colleges and universities worldwide.



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