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Endress+Hauser achieves gold status again

Sustainable business processes awarded 68 points in the EcoVadis rating

Дата публикации: 23.01.2019

Endress+Hauser continued to achieve an above-average rating in all aspects evaluated in 2018, which included the categories environment, labor practices, fair business practices and sustainable procurement. The company made notable improvements in terms of the documentation of existing processes, meaning that results are more traceable.

“An increasing number of customers place ever greater importance on the fact that companies are aware of their social responsibility. A positive result can therefore greatly influence a customer’s decision,” Dr Luc Schultheiss, Chief Financial Officer of the Endress+Hauser Group, says in delight at the result.

The Group has compiled a sustainability report since 2015 in which it highlights social, environmental and economic aspects of company management. The EcoVadis rating serves as a strategic key performance indicator.

Practiced values

This year’s audit placed a positive emphasis on the company’s environmental policy, the high significance of the company culture within the Group and the management of employees, among other things.

Implemented measures included the global provision of training that conveys the Code of Conduct and the values and culture of the family business to employees in a playful manner. The installation of charging stations for e-bikes and electric cars which provide an incentive for switching to electromobility was also highlighted.

Twenty-one assessment criteria

EcoVadis operates a global platform that allows companies to assess the environmental and social aspects of their suppliers. The results demonstrate global performance in terms of environmental, social and ethical factors while offering suggestions for improvement. Today, more than 45,000 companies are rated by EcoVadis.



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