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Minimum effort for extreme applications

The Gammapilot FMG50 – a new generation device

Дата публикации: 10.03.2020

Innovative 2-wire technology

The Gammapilot FMG50 is the first 2-wire loop-powered compact transmitter on the market. A unique, patented high-voltage generation which requires only a fraction of the energy of its predecessor makes this possible. This revolutionizes radiometric measurement and offers valuable advantages over conventional devices. As additional installations and wiring for a supply voltage are no longer needed, considerable cost savings are achieved over the entire life cycle of the measuring point.

Digital potential

With the latest generation of Gammapilot, operators communicate with the sensor using Bluetooth Technology ® and the SmartBlue app from Endress+Hauser. The app makes all product and diagnostic data available that could previously only be determined with greater effort. Another benefit of the Bluetooth functionality is the remote commissioning of the device. This is particularly relevant for measuring points that are difficult to access.

Functional device safety

The Gammapilot FMG50 has been developed according to IEC 61508 for direct use in SIL2 and SIL3 applications and is currently the safest radiometric device on the market. It offers the SIL functionality for all measuring tasks (level, point level, density and interface). The newly implemented, user-friendly SIL Wizards reduce systematic and human errors and guide the user step-by-step through the proof test procedure.

Sensor technology for use without additional water cooling

In applications with high temperatures, conventional instruments require additional water cooling to ensure a trouble-free measurement. The Gammapilot FMG50 solves this challenge with a high-quality sensor material. In addition, the innovative sensor design ensures the minimal self-heating of the device electronics and thereby contributes to the use without cooling. By eliminating the need for water cooling, planning, installation and operation costs can be saved.

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