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Explosion proof temperature sensor  iTHERM ModuLine TM111

iTHERM ModuLine TM111

Trend-setting, modular temperature sensor for direct installation without thermowell, designed for a wide range of industrial applications

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    • Technical Information (TI)

    TI iTHERM ModuLine TM111

    English version - 03/2024

    New version available in English

    Innovative, robust, and modular thermometer designed for direct installation (without a thermowell), suitable for a wide range of in dustrial applications

    • Miscellaneous

    Product family: Process RTD general purpose, Process RTD heavy duty, Process RTD hygienic, Process TC general purpose, Process TC he avy duty, RTD thermometer

    Russian version - 11/2020

    New version available in English

    Product root: TC10-, TC12-, TC13-, TC15-, TC61-, TC62-, TC63-, TC65-, TC66-, TC88-, TM101-, TM111-, TM121-, TM131-, TM311-, TM401-, TM411-, TMR31-, TMR35-, TMT142C-, TMT142R-, TMT162C-, TMT162R-, TR10-, TR11-, TR12-, TR13-, TR15-, TR61-, TR62-, TR63-, TR65-, TR66- , TR88- Region: Eurasian Economic Union Approval agency: EAC Approval number: EAEC N RU D-DE.BE02.B.12645/20

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