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Raman data library dashboard for real-time spectral data visualization

Raman data library software

Enhance productivity and ensure data integrity with customizable, user-friendly spectral analysis software

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5 documents
    • Technical Information (TI)

    Raman data library Technical Information

    • Technical Information (TI)
    English version - 08/2024
    New version available in English

    System information and specifications for the Raman data library (KRDL)

    • Operating Instruction (BA)

    Raman data library Administrator Operating Instructions

    • Operating Instruction (BA)
    English version - 09/2024
    New version available in English

    Instructions for administration of Raman data library software

    • Operating Instruction (BA)

    Raman data library User Operating Instructions

    • Operating Instruction (BA)
    English version - 09/2024
    New version available in English

    Instructions for use of Raman data library software

    • Short Instruction (KA)

    Raman data library Brief Operating Instructions

    • Short Instruction (KA)
    English version - 08/2024
    New version available in English

    Brief instructions and start-up instructions for Raman data library

    • PU (Publication)

    Raman data library -- Faster time to market with increased insight, productivity, and data integrity

    • PU (Publication)
    English version - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    This document provides insight into the core and cGxP
    features of Raman data library (data organization, visualization,
    user management, and univariate analysis for Raman Rxn2
    and Raman Rxn4 analyzers), while also addressing common
    questions regarding the software's functionalities.